New Tree Art: Sunwashed & Filtered Light

By Artbycedar

Isn’t it silly that humans can rarely be happy and at peace even under the nicest of circumstances? We’re always missing what’s not there, and feeling lack even in the face of great abundance. I do regularly make an effort to practice gratitude for my blessings, and to be fully present in the moment as much as I can, but of course, I forget.

I am living in one of the most beautiful places on Earth–Southern California! The mountain vistas here are awe-inspiring. The warm breezes and sunshine are delicious. Just being here is like being on vacation every day.

And of course, I complain about how dry it is and how much I miss hiking in the lush woodlands of Maryland and other places that have more rainfall. But that’s okay–that longing  is good fodder for paintings.

Here are my 2 newest paintings in my Green Trees Series. Both are 20 x 20″ oils on canvas: “Sunwashed” and “Filtered Light.” They are on their way to a gallery in North Carolina.

Sunwashed, 20 x 20", Oil/Canvas, © Cedar Lee

Filtered Light, 20 x 20", Oil/Canvas, © Cedar Lee