New Study: The Keto Diet Burns TEN TIMES More Fat Than a Standard Diet, Even Without Exercise

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Wondering why so many stars (like Rihanna, Kim Kardashian and Vanessa Hudgens) all of a sudden are embracing a keto diet? This might be a reason why.

According to a new study, people on the low-carb high-fat regimen burn up to ten times more fat than controls, even without exercise.

They found that that those following the low-carb plan advocated by the diet saw the most health benefits compared to those on a typical diet, whether the latter carried out physical activity or not.

Of course, this study is fairly small and a bit of an outlier. It's not usual to burn ten times more fat, but a keto low-carb diet usually do win against other diets in weight-loss studies.

Want to try it out? Check out the links below.


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