New Report: Global Cost of Obesity Will Hit $1.2tn Annually by 2025

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Obesity-related illness will cost $1.2 trillion yearly by 2025, according to a new alarming report by the World Obesity Federation.

Moreover, as many as 2.7 billion of the world's inhabitants will be overweight or obese at the time.

The annual medical costs of treating the consequences of obesity, such as diabetes and heart disease, is truly alarming. Continual surveillance by WOF has shown how obesity prevalence has risen dramatically over the past 10 years and with an estimated 177 million adults suffering severe obesity by 2025, it is clear that governments need to act now to reduce this burden on their national economies.
- Professor Ian Caterson

The Guardian: Global cost of obesity-related illness to hit $1.2tn a year from 2025