New Image Plate KOTD

By Nhorsman11
Hello Ladies,

Hoping you are all doing great! I got a couple new image plates a while ago and I was excited to try it out. I know these are a little messy so please don't mind them. I took these with my Ipod. I am still paying on my new to me Canon EOS 30D camera so it will be about another two months before I can play with my new toy.. lol..I never thought I would be lucky enough to even own one and May first I found a used one with an extra lens, battery pack for sale and they have layaway. I was very excited I was actually doing a little dancing while he was entering my information in the computer.. My youngest son thought we had won something. lol

I was just playing around last night to try this new plate and liked how it turned out so I just wanted to share with you.

Below is my new beautiful camera. I have been drooling over the DSLR cameras that I keep seeing and hearing about and now I will finally have one for myself. I am also looking forward to be able to take some good pics of my family especially my boys. We don't take many pics of our boys but we should.