I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!!
I have created a new Facebook group. The name is going to change but for now I am hoping the name will give a hint as to what kind of group it is.
Nail Mail Ladies Group is a Monthly "Secret Santa" or "Birthday" club. Instead of having to wait for a specific month. This group will be a monthly club instead. Each month everyone who wants to participate will be paired for a nail mail gift. I am currently asking those of you who want to join or who are interested in finding out more to contact me with a full name, email and any preference or suggestion. This will be for international ladies also. Those who live in countries with strict customs would need to agree that it may cause problems. My goal would be to try and pair based on location or we can choose at random. This group will be a Majority Rules for all major decisions to be made. This group would be starting for Jan or Feb depending on what we decide as a group.
At this point I want to create the group so members can start to make decisions for amounts to spend and all specific details. This will be for polish, nail art such as stamping plates or supplies or other beauty products that would be listed by members.Each member can decide each month to participate or to skip current month as long as member "Skips by date specified" Each members name will also be compared to a safe swap list or other such lists to protect members. This will be a safe group.
Please contact me at nhorsman@live.com with your name, email and/or preferences or even if you just have a question. I will get back to you soon.
Thanks for dropping by and I hope to hear from you soon!
Take Care of You!Nicky