New Exclusive Meal Plan for Busy Families by Low Carb Yum

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

We are delighted to present Lisa MarcAurele the popular blogger behind Low Carb Yum. Along with sharing tasty recipes and a quick and easy meal plan, she also shares her best tips for if you "fall off the keto wagon" in her interview below. So keep on scrolling...

As a busy working mom, her motto has always been to "keep it simple" so she favors recipes that are fast and easy to prepare. With Diet Doctor Plus you can get cooking with her new meal plan, perfect for busy weeks, that is chock full of delicious food that will keep the whole family happy and satisfied .

We now have 122 low-carb meal plans available - including keto, quick & easy, budget, vegetarian and Team DD favorites.

Try out for free 1 month


Get to know Lisa

When did you first come in contact with low-carb?

The first time I tried low-carb was in 2001. It was shortly after my thyroid was treated for Graves' disease. The treatment caused my thyroid to no longer fully function. As a result, my metabolism slowed down significantly and I began to gain weight quickly. I had hoped that taking thyroid hormone medication would help shed the extra weight but it didn't.

To lose weight, I tried following a restricted calorie diet that was low in fat, but I had a hard time sticking to it because I was hungry all the time. Then I heard about others having more success cutting carbohydrates instead of calories. So I began restricting carbs and was able to get back to my normal weight within a year.

What's the best thing about low carb?

If I don't watch my carbs, my weight tends to creep up slowly. So that's the main reason why I've been doing low-carb. Being on a restricted carbohydrate eating plan has also allowed me to have more energy and feel better overall. But the thing I love most about the eating plan is that the food is delicious and satisfying. It's never felt like a "diet" to me which is why I've been able to stay on the plan so long.

Do you cook the same food for your whole family?

The majority of my family does not watch their daily carb consumption. However, they eat a lot fewer carbs than most people. That's because I rarely prepare meals that aren't low carb. And I've found out which low-carb recipes they like best. So I make those dishes regularly. A few favorites include a cheeseburger casserole and an oven-baked fried chicken.

What are your favorite go-to meals on busy week nights?

I make a lot of low carb casseroles because they are easy to prepare and I like that I can do other things during the baking time. Most of my casserole recipes can also be prepared in advance and placed in the refrigerator or freezer until ready to use. So they are great for doing meal preparation in advance.

My pork chop and broccoli casserole is one of my favorites not only because it's quick to make, but versatile too. I can easily change the dish by using a different meat and or vegetable in it.

Another family favorite is pizza casserole. My original recipe uses a crust made with just eggs and cheese, but I decided to try sneaking in a vegetable recently. When topped with their favorite toppings, my family doesn't even notice the shredded zucchini. It does take a little more time to shred the zucchini, but that can be done the day before to save time on busy nights. You can even freeze shredded zucchini for when you need it.

What are your best tips for how to get back on track again after "falling off the wagon"?

A few years before starting my blog, I fell off the wagon. I was in an intensive training program and studying a lot. In class and study groups, others would often bring in high-carb foods and I gradually caved in.

In order to get back on track, I had to change my mindset. I remembered how good I felt when I was on low carb and I wanted to feel that way again. To get back on plan, I started tracking everything I was eating and monitoring my progress. I also joined online forums to get support from others with common goals. And to resist temptation when exposed to a lot of high carb foods, I made sure I had a good supply of low carb foods and snacks with me outside of home.

Therefore, my tips for getting back on track are to have a positive attitude with a set goal in mind, join an active low-carb community for support, and keep a daily journal to hold yourself accountable.

Are you working on any fun new projects at the moment?

I recently turned in the manuscript for my first cookbook. It's something that I've wanted to do for a long time, but never seemed to fit it in. The book, "Low Carb Yum 5-Ingredient Keto," is scheduled to be released in early April 2020 (it's available for pre-order now on Amazon and other retailers). When it comes to cooking, I've always tried to keep things simple. The recipes in the book use minimal ingredients and are super easy to prepare. I'm also looking for ways to make low carb meal planning easier because it's something I've struggled with in the past. That's why I wanted to create an easy 7 day meal plan for busy moms like myself for the Diet Doctor community!
