Littly Contemporary Velvet Baby Bedding Set (Pink): Pink Baby Bedding Set, wow! such a beautiful color for my love. I really like the bed. It is very soft and comfortable with mosquito net. It's not waterproof though. You have to use waterproof mats inside it. So I purchased Bey Bee Waterproof Bed Protector for New Born Babies and Kids, Small, Pink. This Waterproof Bed Protector isvery soft and comes in a very good material. It is reusable, economical and lightweight.
FARETO Cloth Diapers (12 Count, 0-3 Months): A new baby has to pretty much wear diapers all of the time and I like that there are some really stylish printed Cloth Diapers I picked up fromFARETO. I plan to pick up some more stylish Cloth Diapers so any recommendations of online places to shop for these will be greatly appreciated.
Johnson's Baby Laundry Detergent - Ultra Gentle Clean: I used to use Rustic Art Little Laundry just after the Rohinish's birth. To be honest that was my favorite detergent only because of it Contains no artificial brighteners, bleach, fillers, enzymes, fabric softener, foam boosters, fragrance.This time I want to try something different so bought this Johnson's Baby Laundry Detergent (I found some very good reviews on Amazon) which developed with dermatologists to be mild enough for newborn skin as the product climes. I also bought diapers and wipes from different brands. Yes, I'll write a different post with all these diapers and wipes. That's all for today.