New Blog Buttons!

By Thebeautyscoop
This is just a quick post to let you know that I have, and am still changing my 'follow' option buttons on the sidebar to the right to make them a bit fancier (with the colour change when you roll over) but more in keeping with the new blog design.
I think they're currently all working, but if you find anything wrong with any of them, please do let me know. There are some 'widgets' on there that I just can't figure out if I can make them fit in a little more with the rest, so they may look a teeny bit out of place, but I am looking into my options for them to see if I can make them any better!
I still need to tweak some things (like the layout and some sizing) and possibly add a couple in but I just wanted to let you know what was going on in case you came across any issues... or thought you were going mad when they change, or if I accidentally muck some of the site layout up (it shouldn't happen, but you never know)!
Hope you like them!?