New Beginnings!

By Pinkandpolished
Hello my dears,

Long time no talk.... again -_- I really am sorry guys, I'm trying to find a balance between my blog, my job, and my indie polish business. I didn't think it would be easy but damn, I didn't think it would be this hard either! I refuse to let go of this blog though, if it's the last thing I do i will paint my nails!!! Thank you guys so much for sticking with me, I appreciate you all! Now are you ready for some nails?First I have something that needs to be talked about ;) I've been thinking about changing my nail shape for a while now. I absolutely love my squares, and I know that square nails are one of the most loved shapes, but I think it's time to change things up a bit. Don't get scared! I didn't venture too far out of my comfort zone, I just rounded them off a little bit ;) Unfortunately this means I'm back down to nubbies but I don't mind, I kind of think it works well with this shape. Let me know what you think guys! Anyways... back to why you're all here.... NAILS! I decided to get a little Christmassy up in here. A little early true but I wanted to show off some new nail vinyls that I'm carrying in my store The Little LacquerBean. The vinyls I used below are the mini candy cane ones. Take a look!I started off with a base of Enchanted Polish Flashing Lights, DROOL *.* I applied a layer of Essie Good To Go on top to make it dry a little faster. When my nails were dry I applied the candy cane vinyls and painted over them with China Glaze Just Be-Claws. Then I took some tweezers and pulled off the candy cane vinyls. Now vinyls aren't perfect which makes applying a top coat between layers so helpful. After I removed the vinyls I grabbed a small nail art brush and some pure acetone to clean up the lines. Because I added the top coat it didn't affect EP Flashing Lights at all :) Once I was happy with how everything looked I applied one more layer of Essie Good To Go and that was it!

Love this color combination SO MUCH! And if you don't have EP Flashing Lights you absolutely need it. SO SPARKLY I could die!!! *.* 

What do you think guys? Do you like the new nail shape?

Thanks for sticking around loves, talk to you soon! I promise!!