Never Stop Learning and Speak Up!

By Darcsunshine

What is Life Long Learning?  Simply, I believe it is the consistent and deep engagement of the mind and body in the active pursuit of knowledge and experience from birth to death. Learning is important because it helps us make informed choices about our own lives and the societies that we live in. It also enables us observe the results and include the feedback into new initiatives. Youth of a Nation has posted topics on Chronic pain, several mental health issues, children’s disabilities, and parenting. As I have said from the beginning, I want this to be an open blog which means your input is more than welcome. I want to learn from you as well. Youth of a Nation would like some feedback from the community to get an idea about the sort of things you would like to read in our blog posts. Myquestion to you is: are there any topics in particular you would like to see posted in the blog? Are there other categories of articles (besides the ones mentioned above) which we need to focus on more? Maybe you would like to be a guest blogger and write something you would like to contribute. If you are interested in giving a little of your knowledge or just want to share a picture, poem, quote etc…please email me. I would like to thank my followers for supporting me. You all have amazing blogs yourself. I learn from you each and everyday.