Thrive, the book by Arianna Huffington
Last week I had the opportunity to participate in the Blogher Conference, in San Jose, California. There I met other passionate women who, like me, have causes to blast, social concerns to share and lives that need to be lived.
If this is the first time you have read this blog, let me share with you what I feel passionate about. I feel fervent about providing a platform for others with the same condition as myself. was created to empower those who live with the medical conditions of neurogenic bladder and bowel. The blog is my real life, not a medical textbook. I want to shed the shame, get real, and be proud. It is my goal to end the jokes and shed light on this underreported medical condition.
At the blogging conference the time to share with others about our own blogs occurred mostly during mealtime. When this happened I politely just handed the gals my card and encouraged them to look me up after lunch. I must say I enjoyed the looks of surprise on some of the women's faces when I shared what I write about. At times I wished I had the head camera my son uses for extreme sports so I could capture their "looks" on video. Bladder and Bowel are words that do not easily roll off the tongue. These subjects are considered a bit tacky in our society, today. I want to change that.
While attending, I had the opportunity to hear Arianna Huffington of the Huffington Press. She gave us sound advice for life in the fast lane: getting enough sleep, giving, walking, and so many other tips. She wrote in detail suggestions for flourishing in the swift lane of life. I bought a copy of her book entitled Thrive, because I was so touched by her talk and hoped that it would give me inspiration and ideas.
The book did not disappoint.
When I got the book home I enjoyed a delightful read. I discovered that her daughter is a blogger like me. I invite my girlfriends to walk the three mile circumference of Green Lake in Seattle for a friendly chat just like Arianna does . . . Arianna expanded on the use of this type of setting, walking and talking, for business conferences to work out solutions in her busy life; much better than a stuffy office setting, she wrote.
The Appendix has great resources and tools we can implement, apps to simplify life, and resources to stay focused. All of this can be a confusing menagerie. It is nice to have tips all in one place.
We all have a platform to speak, a soap box to stand on, and a message to share. Sometimes in sharing we become weary. The book, Thrive, provides a fresh look at why we become weary and how to combat it.
Thank you Arianna...
Thank you Blogher...
More Later...
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