Networking Success Secrets Free Special Report

Posted on the 25 April 2014 by Classycareergirl @classycareer

When it comes to getting what you want in your career, you know that networking is crucial to your future success.  As many as 80% of jobs are found through networking and you know your network is lacking for reaching your future career goals. You know you should be making more time for networking, but life is busy and it is so hard to fit it into your schedule.  As busy professional women, we have children, husbands, hobbies and busy work schedules. Life is already a juggle so how the heck do you add networking to your already busy schedule?

A common mistake I have seen so many women make is not building up their tribe of mentors and people that will support them to get ahead in their careers. This will cost you time and money down the road and you will miss out on career opportunities.

Because networking has so drastically changed my career and life, I put together a special free report for you to download today.  This is so important to me to share because I am an introvert and networking has always been difficult for me. But, I knew that networking was the only way that I was going to be able to reach my career goals and dreams. And I was right.

Click here to access my FREE report “Networking Success Secrets: Simple Strategies to Expand Your Network and Advance Your Career in 30 days!”

Because I now speak to hundreds of corporations, professional associations and universities around the world, many people think that networking and talking to others comes natural for me. Wrong!

Throughout college and high school, I was the “shy girl.” I often wondered why it was hard for me to open up to strangers and attend social events. I was so used to being labeled as “shy” that I never thought of changing it – it was just my identity.

Finally, at my first job, I took the Myers-Briggs personality test and a light bulb went off: I’m an introvert.  Being an introvert makes some things difficult but I knew that networking was the only way that I was going to be able to achieve the career success and goals that I wanted to achieve. So I made a plan to move past my networking barriers and get over my networking fears.

And that is when the 30-Day Networking Challenge started.  What happened changed my life and that is why I want to teach you how this networking challenge can change your life as well.

Click here to access my FREE report “Networking Success Secrets: Simple Strategies to Expand Your Network and Advance Your Career in 30 days!”

On January 1st, 2011, I made a new year’s resolution to knock down my networking barriers and reach my goals. I was graduating with my MBA and I was majorly stuck in a career rut. I had been so busy going to school and working full-time that I had forgotten to network. With two months left of business school, I was determined to use networking as a way to figure out the next step in my career. I embarked on a 4X4 networking challenge where every month I would meet with four people I already knew but would like to get to know even better. I also made a point of meeting with four new people that I didn’t know. My goal was to learn from each person I talked to and ask questions about how I could get to the next step in my career. At the end of 2011, I added 48 new people to my network and strengthened relationships with 48 friends, co-workers and family members.

Throughout my networking challenge, I was blogging about it and hundreds of professional women around the world joined me in the networking challenge to advance their careers and get over their networking barriers as well.

Within 30 days of my networking challenge, my life and career began to dramatically change! I realized that it isn’t what you know, but WHO you know that really makes the difference!

So let’s dive in!

How did my 30-Day Challenge change my life and how can it change your life?  Download my free report and learn the 5 ways that taking the networking challenge will advance your career and change your life.

Click here to access my FREE report “Networking Success Secrets: Simple Strategies to Expand Your Network and Advance Your Career in 30 days!”