NEBRASKA FOOTBALL: Knee-Jerk Reactions - Michigan State

By Huskerlocker @huskerlocker

By Brandon Cavanaugh
- Yep. Rex Burkhead really is from the planet Krypton.
- Seriously, what Rex did against Sparty was a testament to his hard work, dedication and refusal to say “I quit.” Go Team Jack.
- Where do you start with the secondary? When you hold one of the best wide receivers in Michigan State history to no catches, you’ve had a good day.
- Taylor Martinez wasn’t all-everything, but he didn’t need to be. He did only what was necessary and that’s enough.
- The defense seen yesterday, those were the Blackshirts.
- Love the standing linemen front. Apparently this was taken from the Pittsburgh Steelers and was also used by the New England Patriots. One big stat that stands out because of the line’s work: four sacks.
- It’s about time Eric Martin started tallying up sacks.
- Each member of the Sea of Red should pat themselves on the back. There was a ton of noise at appropriate times and the Huskers clearly fed off of it.
- Going to suggest that with this game having the implications it did that Bo had a little more to do with the defensive game plan this week.
- It’s not an easy road to hoe, but the Nebraska team that showed up to play yesterday can beat any team remaining on the schedule, and yes that means Wisconsin should they meet up again.
- Okay, which one of you is this?:

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