Nature’s Trail Discovery Run III – The Trilogy Championship Series Leg 2, [Oct. 12, 2014] Brgy. Malaya, Pililla, Tanay, Rizal

By Thesilentpal @thesilentpal

The Trilogy Championship Series Leg 2

Your chance to be part of the Pimco Team for foreign trail running race event and enjoy the freebies that go with it, now on the new season, Season 3, the 2nd Leg of the trilogy series that is NTDR III. It’s also your chance to be part of high level trail running race competition and the honor of finishing the entire trilogy for the Trailblazers Award in 2014.

Trail Running is Nature’s Trail Discovery Run III join and register now and avail of limited slots.

Race: 2nd Leg
Date: October 12, 2014
Venue: Pillilia, Rizal
Trail Route: Mt. Sembrano

A. Registration:

Runners may opt to register in any of the registration outlets to be posted later after closing of early bird registration. This online registration is continuing registration and will only be closed if the limited slots are already filled up.

For this Online Registration please ensure to fill up information required such as valid contact number and email address. Registration shall not be automatically accepted instead you will be contacted on your mobile phone or email address to verify if you are the one registering for yourself. Use of other names for registration is strictly prohibited.

For NTDR III which is the most anticipated trail race event in the country its important for runners to register early and it may close anytime as soon as the Limited Slots are filled up even before the regular registration starts.

Late Registration is accepted only if and when there are reserved slots that have not been confirmed or paid and shall be for limited time on May 16. Late registrants may have to redeem their Finishers kit after the race. Any Finishers kit available in case regular registrants failed to attend the race shall be on first come, first serve basis. A redemption voucher shall be given to finishers who are late registrants.

B. On Visiting Foreign Runners From Different Countries

Foreign nationals from countries abroad on running tours have choices of complete package A & B that include airport transfer; hotel accommodation near the race venue; food; transport services.

Inclusive in the registration package is the registration fee for any of the race categories of choice.

Foreign runners may bring non runners support/companions but they will also have to pay the package for them.

C. Categories and Age Group:

1. Categories are Newbies (5k) ; Advanced (10k); Seasoned (21k); Masters (50k)
2. Age Group for 10k / 21k / 50k:
18-39 yrs old / 40-49 yrs old / 50 and above

3. Special Group:
- Trail Runner Junior 13-17 years old is allowed to run on Advanced (10k) distance category only
- Team or Group composed of 3 members (2 male and 1 female) applicable for all Age Group
*This is an open competition which means no age limit except children below 13 years old. All children 17 and below must be accompanied by parents or guardian and should have the expressed approval of the parents or guardian to compete in the categories and races.

Foreign nationals are welcome to compete in any category.

D. Fees

1. Event Fees for the Leg 1:

Newbies (5k)   – P   650.00
Advanced (10k)   -P   750.00
Seasoned (21k)   -P   950.00
Masters (50k)   – P1,750.00

Additional for Team   – P   750.00 (2 Male and 1 Female who are also solo registered runners)

Note: As per rule, the event fee is non refundable except for cancellation of the event for 1 year. Postponement of the event does not mean cancellation it is moving the original date to future date due to “acts of gods” or when the organizer deem that the safety of the runners maybe compromised.

2. Bus Fee

Bus shuttle fee is P300.00 per rider.

Note: Shuttle bus fee is non-refundable. When you reserved and paid for the bus, other riders are denied of the service thus when you reserved for it its your seat whether or not you ultimately not ride the shuttle.

E. Winners, Awards, and Prizes

NTDR III is a Trilogy Championship Series which means to be Champion in each of the trilogy categories (Advanced, Seasoned, and Masters) runners must complete all of the three legs. Newbies 5k is a Fun Run not included in the trilogy championship. Age Group does not count in the Trilogy Championship. The Trilogy Champion is determined based on the fastest cumulative time recorded by the solo individual. The Age Group only applies in the Leg level not in the Trilogy Championship. There will only one set of Trilogy Champions in each of the category in each of the Divisions.

1. Awards and Prizes: (No Cash Prize in the Leg Winners but Gift Packages to Top Winners)

Legs Winners shall be the runners who will come in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd fastest time for Men and Women Division in each of the categories and each of the Age Group. Each will receive Winners Medals and Winners Gift Package from Sponsors.

a. Leg Winners Awards and Prizes for Newbies

Leg Winner 1st Place – Gift Package + 1st Place Framed Certificate
Leg Winner 2nd Place – Gift Package + 2nd Place Framed Certificatel
Leg Winner 3rd Place – Gift Package + 3rd Place Framed Certificate

(Finishers Awards for Newbies only – Finishers Certificate + Finishers Shirt + Loot Bag)

b. Leg Winners Awards and Prizes for Advanced (10k); Seasoned (21k); Masters (50k)

Applicable for each of the Age Group and Special Group

Leg Winner 1st Place – Gift Package + 1st Place Framed Certificate
Leg Winner 2nd Place – Gift Package + 2nd Place Framed Certificate
Leg Winner 3rd Place – Gift Package + 3rd Place Framed Certificate

Finishers Awards – Finishers Medal + Finishers Shirt + Loot Bag

c. Cash Prizes are given only to Trilogy Champions at the conclusion of the Championship or Final Leg for the Categories – Advance (10k), Seasoned (21k), Masters (50k). This will be given in the Dinner Night for Champions:

50k Male Solo Trilogy Champion – P10,000.00 + Framed Certificate + Gifts from Sponsors
21k Male Solo Trilogy Champion – P7,000.00 + Framed Certificate + Gift from Sponsors
21k Female Solo Trilogy Champion – P7,000.00 + Framed Certificate + Gift from Sponsors
10k Male Solo Trilogy Champion – P5,000.00 + Framed Certificate + Gift from Sponsors
10k Female Solo Trilogy Champion – P5,000.00 + Framed Certificate + Gift from Sponsors

**Trilogy Solo Champions will automatically become members of Pimco-Tanay PH Trail Running Team. They will undergo training for time trials from whom we will choose representatives to compete in the Sai Kung 50 Hongkong Series in March 2015 free round trip tickets to Hongkong and free registration. This however is applicable only to Filipino Nationals, in case Foreign national wins the Trilogy Championship the Top Filipino nationals next to the Foreign Nationals Trilogy Champions will compose the Pimco-Tanay PH Trail Running Team for 2015. Where there is absence of competition in any of the category the organizer reserves the right to call a “no contest” which means no winner will be declared.

F. Assembly and Gun Start

2:00 am  Assembly Time at the Start & Finish beside the Clubhouse, Cuyambay, Tanay, Rizal
4:00 am   Gun Start of Masters (50k) Ultra Trail
4:30 am   Gun Start of Seasoned (21k)
5:00 am   Gun Start of Advanced (10k) and Newbies (5k)

1. Requirement at gun start:

a. Runners are required to bring and wear headlamp or use handheld flashlight to light their way thru the trails. Runners without headlamp may not be allowed to run unless accompanied by another runner with headlamp or flashlight.

b. Runners are required to bring 1 x 20oz hydration bottle for those participating in 5k, 10k, and 21k. For those participating in 50k Ultra, runner must bring at least 2 x 200z hydration bottles or its equivalent for those using camel back type.

2. Cut-Off Time

Masters (50k) shall have a cut-off time of 10 hours so that runners should be at the Finish Line by 2:00 pm. At 2:00 pm sweeper will bring the runners still at the trails back to the venue and shall not be allowed to cross finish line.

Seasoned (21k), Advanced (10k), and Newbies (5k)  all have the same cut off of 6 hours so that runners should all be at the finish line by 11:00 noon. Sweeper shall bring the runners back to the venue hall and shall not be allowed to cross the finish line.

G. Awarding of Winners

Awarding of Winners shall commence at 11:30 am or when all the winners of all categories have already crossed finish line whichever comes first. Should winners in each category are not yet complete and identified, Awarding may be delayed to allow winners to be completed.

H. Provisions and Miscellaneous Services

Shuttle bus services is available for all categories. Master (50k) participants may avail of a separate shuttle services considering they are to start ahead of others and possibly will arrive later than others. Shuttle service fee is P300 per passenger back and forth. Pick-up points are the following:

  • Mandaluyong Boni Ave. Circle in front of Jollibee
  • Quezon City Circle in front of City Hall
  • Masinag in front of Mercury Drug Store

Only riders with confirmed reservation or with bus stub, shall be allowed to ride the shuttle bus.

Hydration  – Runners are provided with “refilling stations” for free hydration. Please bring at least 20oz hydration bottle. In observance of Environmental laws, we will not serve cups in the stations along the race route not more than 5 kilometers apart.

**Runners should bring their own energy drinks and replenishment. Some sponsors may at times provide sampling of their products but this is not guaranteed.

Food Services – There will be food available at Trail Runners Clubhouse at affordable prices for the runners, you may buy your own food. There are also food services outlets nearby the venue the choices are varied but prices affordable. Runners may avail anytime of the day.

Accommodation – There will be available spaces for overnight camping at the back of the Clubhouse for those in budget while there are available accommodation at Sampaloc Inn and they will be providing transport to and from the Venue and the hotel.

Public Transportation – There are available public transportation however for those not taking the shuttle. You can take Jeeps and shuttle from Shaw Blvd, Mandaluyong going to Tanay and then take tricyle going to Sampaloc. There are Jeeps available at Cubao going Cogeo from there you can take Jeep going Sampaloc. The Cogeo jeep is available only from 5 am to 7 pm so it is suggested to take this only if runners plan to take resorts hotels or camp at the venue from May 24, 2014.


The 3rd Leg shall determine the trilogy champions for Advanced 10k, Seasoned 21k, and Masters 50k.

1. Once the Top 10 Runners of all the categories for the trilogy championship vying for the crown have crossed the finish line, Pimco and PTRA officers shall immediately compute the time of finished. The recorded time for all the 3 legs shall be cumulatively added with the fastest recorded resulting time shall be the basis for determining the Trilogy Champion for each category and male/female division.

2. At the awarding ceremony, The Trilogy Champions and the Runners Up shall be announced.

3. Awarding of the Trilogy champions in each category shall commence after the awarding of the 3rd Leg Winners.

4. The decision of Pimco in the determination of the Trilogy Champions shall not be subject to protest and cannot be appealed.

Photo courtesy of Jose Ramizares of Running Photographers