The particulars of being an astronaut are actually quite interesting. The salary ranges from $64,724 - $141,715 per year, which seems on the low side considering the risks involved. On the other hand, I'd pretty much go up into space for free, so I wouldn't complain too much if they actually wanted to pay me too!
It should also be noted that the job does hinge on an extensive background check and medical examination as well. Mandatory drug-testing is also part of the requirements, as is frequent travel. If that "frequent travel" includes going into low-Earth orbit and long stays at the luxurious International Space Station, then count me in. The job description also offers info on the requirements, how candidates will be evaluated, the benefits plan for working at NASA, and exactly how you apply.
I know that the economy is rough right now and lots of people are looking for jobs. Perhaps adding "astronaut" to your resume will help open some doors down the line.