Nancy and Ronnie—A Role Model for Us All

By Datecoachtoni @CoachToni

Two days ago Nancy Reagan was laid to rest on a hill with a beautiful view, next to her first and only love. Their relationship was long and very blessed with fortune, fame, good health, children—and many close, lifelong friends. But most of all, it was their marriage that defined them. In spite of his political success and 8 years in the White House, what people most often talk about and what they will remember is how devoted these two people were to one another and how Nancy made her life’s work supporting and protecting her Ronnie.

Gosh, this is radical thinking by today’s standards. A woman who CHOOSES to follow in her husband’s shadow—working behind the scenes to help him get what he most wants, and cheering and supporting him all along the way. One can only imagine the snide comments and criticism that such a relationship might elicit from people today. She would be the anti-feminist, the woman without her own goals, dreams and ambitions. Some might even accuse her of setting the cause of feminism back a generation or two.

However they would all be wrong. Nancy Reagan chose the life she had—and made no bones about it being the life of her dreams. She once said that her life began when she met Ronald Reagan—I don’t know about you, but that stirs a warm, deep feeling in me. Nancy loved being married, to Ronnie—and hers was a wonderful life. No life is perfect and they had their family, career and health challenges. But they were always in it together until the very end. After Ronald Reagan passed away, Nancy seemed smaller, quieter, moving about as though she no longer had anything to hurry for, anything very important to do. She did fight for stem cell research and was vocal when speaking on the subject of Alzheimer’s—but after all, this is what took Ronnie, and it was a passionate cause for her.

Even if you have no faith belief, it’s hard not to imagine them together in death, standing on that lovely hill and watching the world around them. Their conversation would probably be one of sharing memories, discussing accomplishments, talking about what got left undone and their hope that someone else would pick up the sword. Most of all, they would stand facing one another, staring into each other’s eyes, and silently high-fiving each other on their great love and life together–both so well lived.

Thanks for the great example Ronnie and Nancy!