Nail Nation 3000 Holographic Polish Swatches

By Philamazan @philamazan
I am here with the Second set of Holographic polishes from Nail Nation 3000 March New Launches.Actually i was supposed to swatch the 4 of them together but i really liked "Holo in the Bad Lands" so much that i had to swatch it first.Anyway the 3 remaining shades are Freak Sauce, summer berry sorbet and Board Walk Empire.
You can visit the Links below to check out more polish in Nail Nation Store.Which one is your fav? 
 Freak Sauce is a red based tangerine holo polish.Don't let the name freak you out as it sets into a warm holo color and will suit anyone. This shade somehow reminds me of Indian Brides.

 Summer Berry Sorbet is a Purplish Pink Holographic polish.This shade is a little less holographic as compared to the other 3 shades.Nonetheless has a mind of its own and looks really yummy.

 Board Walk Empire is the brightest and most holographic polish in my collection.I can imagine using this for some Peacock Nail art.The color is royal and majestic.