Nail Art for Dummies // Shaky Hands // the Non-Ambidextrous

By Fashionlushxx @fashionlushxx

When it comes to nail art, it’s a concept I really like. Just not one that I have mastered… yet.

I work for a nail polish company, so saying that nail polish/ nail art is a big part of my life would be the understatement of the century. Everyday I see tons and tons of amazing nail art creations that are always inspiring me to do my own. It always looks easy enough, until I actually get started.

I do not understand how these nail artists even get one straight line, let alone a full blown chevron pattern. It’s not an easy task, especially if you are prone to having a shaky hand (like me). Oh, and don’t even get me started about having to paint the right hand with the left hand, that’s just not happening.

I am not one to give up, so I decided to craft up a pretty fail-proof mani of my very own. Instead of using tons of different colors and getting all complicated, I decided to keep it simple with just a clear nail art mani. It’s a high fashion/runway inspired look, and pretty damn simple.

Just be sure to keep some nail polish remover nearby as mistakes are bound to happen. Trust me.

+ Tools/ Supplies: nail brush, dotting tool, colored polish of your liking (I used Eileen), & a top coat. +

+ Dots are pretty much the easiest design to accomplish, so I did that on every other finger (3 on each hand). +

+ On my ring finger I used the nail art brush to create a simple brick pattern (three vertical lines, and a few short alternating horizontal lines), and on my pointer finger I just did some simple diagonal lines. Have fun and get creative, do whatever you please/ whatever you think you’re capable of.  +