Mystery Fruit

By Vickilane

Look at these tiny apples -- or whatever they are. (That's an ordinary teaspoon for scale.) They are quite tart and more or less apple flavored but I'm not sure what they are.

 The tree is a volunteer growing in one of our pastures and I caught sight of it when I was picking apples at the cabin the other day. I was excited at the thought of so many more apples . . . but didn't go investigate as I already had a full bucket.

Then  yesterday John brought me these tinies from that same tree.  And I took a closer look at the picture I'd taken with telephoto lens. The fruits aren't hanging in clusters like a proper apple -- they're studded along the branches.  

My tree book doesn't show anything like this. The leaves are similar to an apple but flimsier . . . I think I remember that the blossoms were white -- though they could have been a pale  pink . . . Maybe a red haw? The haws fruit like this, though much earlier. But this tree is in a place where I don't normally see it -- the fruit could have been there for some time.  Or is it a mayhaw -- though we don't seem to have the proper conditions for either . . .

Hoping one of you has the answer . . . 

It's got us bumfuzzled.