My Wish List

By Bellavitaxo

Even though we're really close to my birthday (one week, eek) and Christmas, I realised I haven't actually put a lot of thought into what I would like to receive! So I thought I should have a look about and give some of my friends and family a little inspiration, as I know I am hard to buy for! Here are some of the things I would really like to receive this season ;)
1. Lipsy Dress

Lipsy Sequin Peplum Dress: £60

I love Lipsy's dresses and I really like the new ones they've brought out for Christmas, this one is my favourite.2. Spa Day


There is nothing I would love more after these hard couple of months than a day at the spa to totally relax!3. Scented Candles

The Body Shop Scented Candle: £10

I like filling our home with scented candles, I don't really think you can have too many!  4. Moisturiser

Trilogy Moisturiser: £26

Trilogy is a brand I've been interested in trying for a while but never got around to, and I need a new moisturiser soon.5. A Holiday!I'm obsessed with looking for holidays at the moment, we both want to get away again very soon!