My Weight Loss Journey | the Beginning

By Beaumaquillagex @beaumaquillagex

Hi everyone,
I have decided I want to go on a diet before summer to make myself feel more confident, I went on a diet last year and I managed to lose almost 2 stone, and honestly? I have never felt happier! So I decided that since I have managed to put on about a stone since last year I want to start trying to lose weight again.
The biggest problem for me, is that I really struggle to keep myself motivated, even though I know I want to lose weight and I don't feel happy when I don't, it just doesn't seem to motivate me. So I have come up with a new theory, for every pound that I lose, I will put £2 in my makeup fund so that I can treat myself and I hope this will motivate me. I have also decided that I am only allowed to buy makeup if it is from my fund, unless there are some awesome offers or I have done really well that week. In addition, I am going to allow myself to have 1 unhealthy thing a week and if I have more than this, then I lose £2 per item. 
What do you think? How do you motivate yourselves?