My Week On Wednesday is a weekly link-up post in which I share with you what I've been reading, what I'm reading next, and any other bookish stuff I enjoyed in the past week! (Click on book images to view Goodreads page.)
Just shelved:
A Little Life was epic. Both in length and content. I read it with Julianne, and the two of us were reduced to blubbering messes by the end. This book is one that will stick with you long after you finish reading the last page. I don't know if I'll ever have the stamina to re-read it, but honestly I don't think I'll have to. Its characters came so much to life while I was reading that I feel like I actually know them. You should definitely read this book. (But stock up on Kleenex first, and have a friend standing by to provide hugs.)
God Help the Child was my first Toni Morrison book, and I was blown away by it. Her skill as a writer is second to none, and though this wasn't a long or complex book, every word hit its mark. Definitely a great book club read!
Currently reading:
I'm primarily reading Nothing Like Love, but I'm also dipping into The Children's Crusade and Life After Life. All three are great so far, and I'm looking forward to continuing!
Up next:
As you all probably know, this week is Readathon week. I haven't quite decided yet which books will be in my Readathon TBR, but these are all possibilities!
In other news:
You may have noticed that I missed a post last Sunday and have been a little late with subsequent posts. I had a little unplanned visit to the hospital this weekend (I seem to be okay now), which derailed my reading and posting somewhat. Bear with me - I'm working on catching up! I should be back on track by next week.
Because I haven't been on the computer much this week and am out of the loop, instead of including bookish links or cool bookish stuff I found on the internet, I'm going to turn it around and ask you guys what I missed this week! Share links or ramblings in the comments! <div class="statcounter"><a title="blogger counters" href="" class="statcounter"><img class="statcounter" src="" alt="blogger counters" /></a></div>