My Week on Wednesday | #4

By Mle_vnc @Backlist_Books

My Week On Wednesday is a weekly post in which I share with you what I've been reading, what I'm reading next, and any other bookish news that has happened in the past week.
Just shelved:

A Visit From the Goon Squad - Jennifer EganThe Art of Lainey - Paula StokesThe Fever - Megan Abbott

Someone Is Watching - Joy FieldingHausfrau - Jill Alexander Essbaum
Don't get too impressed - I was nearly finished three of these before the week began and The Fever was a buddy read with Julianne from Outlandish Lit. These books were all good - most better than I expected - but I think my favourites were Hausfrau and The Fever - much to my surprise!
Currently reading:

Black Dove White Raven - Elizabeth WeinAnne of Green Gables - L.M. Montgomery
Thanks to Random House of Canada, I received a copy of Black Dove White Raven in my mailbox today. Having entirely forgotten that I requested it, it was a wonderful surprise! I haven't read any of Wein's books yet (I know, I know), so I'm really excited to get started on this one tonight! And I know, I'm also very behind on the Green Gables Readathon. I'm making progress, I swear! I'm about halfway through this one, and looking forward to the next! Anne is every bit as much of a kindred spirit as I remembered.
Up next:

How To Be A Heroine - Samantha Ellis
I've got so many "next books" on my TBR piles (yes, plural) right now, but I think this one is at the top of the list. I've been so excited for it, and it's finally here! 
Cool stuff I came across this week:

It's time for March Madness, but even more importantly... it's time for BOOK MADNESS! That's right, you get to root for your favorite books, and track their progress as hordes of bibliophiles vote for their favourites. You can find out more about Book Madness here, and download the blank bracket here. 
In other news:

I'm currently embroiled in an epic buddy reading of this book with my new friend Katie over at Bookish Tendencies. It's yet another book (one of many lately) that hasn't turned out at all as I expected. And yet, I'm finding it oddly compelling. It's not a lighthearted book full of daring feats, but it is one that will stick with you.
That's it for my week in books! What have you guys been up to? I've decided to try making this a link-up just in case any of you guys want to share your week - so feel free to add your link! <div class="statcounter"><a title="blogger counters" href="" class="statcounter"><img class="statcounter" src="" alt="blogger counters" /></a></div>