My Week in Pictures #9

By Behindtheseclosedeyes @theseclosedeyes
This week has consisted of enjoying the beautiful city of Edinburgh with my boy, shopping and plenty of scrummy food. Unfortunately the gorgeous weather of the past couple of weeks has now come to an end with cold winds and rain so we can only keep our fingers crossed that it will return at some point in the summer. It has been a lovely week and now I just can't believe that we are in June already! There are so many great things to look forward to this month, mostly with our 3 year anniversary to enjoy this coming week. I hope you have all had a lovely time this week!Packing for Edinburgh · Arriving at our trusty Premier Inn but there was no sign of Lenny Henry unfortunately · The view from our hotel room, the back end of Edinburgh Castle · Demolishing some very yummy Italian food  · Some views in Edinburgh · Princes Street Gardens · Looking towards the castle · Bare nails which is a VERY rare sight · A little McFlurry treat after lots of shopping with my Mum · Picking up some of the Benefit freebies in this month's Glamour magazine · Dough balls for starter · ..followed by a yummy burger and chips.