My Week in Pictures #21

By Behindtheseclosedeyes @theseclosedeyes
Another shopping day in town can only mean one thing.. Pizza Hut! · Our scrummy cheesy bite meat feast which has become a bit of a tradition now · Being naughty with a bit of chocolate fudge cake whoops · Being the laziest person ever by doing my hair in bed while watching a film · Burning myself with the waving wand a few too many times and leaving my fingers looking a right state · My new skincare routine which has been taken over by Simple · My purchases from our shopping trip in Glasgow · Having the sweetest boyfriend surprise me with The Hunger Games DVD which might have been watched a couple of times already · Getting back into wearing cosy cardigans and loving it · My new studded shoes from Matalan which are so comfy and a total bargain at just £10 · Some goodies for David and I to munch on the other night · Feeling really motivated on the Wii Fit with plenty of jogging and yoga · The newest addition to my DVD collection, Shrek 2. I forgot how funny it was and the music in it is great! · Having a clear out in my room and finding my old Furby · And then finding this 'board game' which took me right back to the sleepovers spent laughing at the answers · ..and my afternoon reading for today.
I hope you've all had a great week!