My Week in Pictures #1

By Behindtheseclosedeyes @theseclosedeyes
Sadly I have to say that I had to give up on my Project 365 after lasting over 80 days. University work and other things took over my life last week and of course everything else had to be put on hold, so I didn't have the time to continue taking a picture a day and therefore got so behind on the pictures. I really wanted to keep it going for the entire year but I guess I just underestimated how much uni work and other time consuming things would affect the project, so unfortunately it has come to an end and will instead be replaced with your usual Instagram update post. Apologies for the lack of originality there but I've really taken to Instagram lately and get a bit carried away snapping random things, so it just makes sense to use this as a weekly update instead. Anyway, that's a bit of a rambling start so let's just get onto the pictures.

A bit of sunbathing outside the union · Loving how long my hair is getting these days · Sunshine after a day of snow, typical Scottish weather · Aiming to watch the entire Scrubs boxset during the Easter holidays (I'm currently half-way through season 3 so I don't know if I'll make it #fail) · Some cuddles with my Gran's cat  · Re-installing my beloved Sims 3 games to have some fun · The final episode of One Tree Hill which had me tearing up like you wouldn't believe · An amazing dessert combo lately · Getting back into the swing of using my Zumba fitness game for the Wii · Some lovely late birthday pressies from my cousin · FINALLY jumping on the Hunger Games bandwagon and I'm so glad I did, I'm so addicted already · My gorgeous god-daughter Sophie who was round to visit yesterday · Sophie having fun with some Easter eggs · My cousin's little girl Ruby who is such a cheeky monkey · Enjoying having chocolate back in my life and especially some good old Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough ice cream · Our Easter egg stash.