My Top Favorite IPhone Apps Of 2015

By Heather Hahn @HeatherHahnn

I hope that everyone is enjoying their day so far.

Before the Iphone ever came out, I wasn’t too much of a fan of the phone in general. I was always team Android, or Blackberry, when that phone was still around.

When I first purchased an Iphone though, it was right when the Iphone 4 had come out, and before even using the phone itself, I was quite hesitate about hearing the noise of learning about all of these “Apps” that people were talking about, as my immediate thoughts were “Yeah, that will slow down your phone, and kill your battery, real quick!”.

Although, I was quite surprised, when I learned about how much certain “Apps” on your phone, can actually benefit you in the long run.

So, i’ve decided to list for you guys, some of my own personal favorite Iphone apps that I use, that I feel are beneficial in life.

1.  Social Media Apps

- Twitter


-Facebook Messenger

- Instagram


2. Editing Apps




-Adobe Photoshop

- Font Candy

3. Health Apps

-7 Minute Workout Challenge

-FitStar Personal Trainer

-Fitness Buddy

-Instant Blood Pressure

-21 Day Fitness Tracker

4. Finance Apps

-Debt Manager

-BillTracker For Iphone

-Tip Bucket

-Tip Calculator

-My Weekly Budget

4. Food Apps

-101 Juice Recipes For Iphone

-MealBoard-Meal And Grocery Planner

-Foodle-Nutritional Food Facts

-My Daily Plate


What’s your favorite Iphone App?