My TOP 5 Best and Disappointments from THE BODY SHOP // What You Should Get from the 25% off 3 + FREE Shipping Sale

By Lana Ray @crazybeautyland

The Body Shop website has had FREE SHIPPING since almost 2 months and I resisted purchases simply because I had done a big haul just before their free shipping period launched. However, I couldn't resist anymore when I saw that they still have free shipping and an additional 25% off 3 on some products. So here are my recommendations in case you also couldn't hold back =)

The Best : (I LOVE all of these !)

These are great makeup removers, but pricey! However, you must invest in good makeup removers if you don't want to breakout everytime you wear makeup. I definitely recommend the Butter over the Oil because a lot of people have complained about its pump being faulty. See review of the oil here.

Organic Cotton Rounds: At first, Rs.300 may feel steep for a pack of cotton rounds that one can get literally anywhere. But I've been so disappointed with every brand of cotton rounds I've ever tried. Enter TBS cotton rounds, they are super soft and most importantly, do not disintegrate during use. Mentioned here.

Like I said in my haul post, I've used these twice and they are still rough. I'm scared to use them again. Enough said, right ? Mentioned here.

PS : Not sponsored, I have not been compensated to do this post and all of the products mentioned have been bought by my money.