My Thoughts On The Boy Next Door | The Boy Next Door Movie

By Heather Hahn @HeatherHahnn

Anything Jennifer Lopez, COUNT ME IN.

This past week, I had the opportunity to see the advanced screening of Jennifer Lopezs new movie “The Boy Next Door“.

Before I went to see the movie, it was my actual first time of not seeing the trailer of the movie before hand, so going into the movie, I had no idea what it was about.

Funny enough, I actually thought it was a romantic comedy, but haha, I was so wrong!

The film was directed by Rob Cohen, and in the movie stars Jennifer Lopez, Ryan Guzman, which he is WOOOOO on fire, Ian Nelson, and Kristin Chenoweth.

I’m not going to give too many details away, but the overall plot of the movie is that, Jennifers character “Claire”, has a one night stand with her new neighbor, Noah ( which is played by Ryan Guzman ), and Noah actually is a lot younger then her, and actually becomes a student in her class, and because of their one night stand, he develops a dangerous obsession with her.

We’ve all had a creepy neighbor at some point or another right?


My thoughts on the movie were this. Jennifer Lopez is my ultimate favorite singer and actress, even though some people can’t take her too seriously because they know her as a singer, when I saw the movie, it actually made me jump out of my seat a few times, as there were some pretty thrilling scenes.

I was kind of sad that the movie ended the way it did, but I didn’t think the movie was predictable at all, and yes, I would see it again.

This movie came out last Friday, so make sure that you go see it!