My Surprising Skincare Savior

By Fashionlushxx @fashionlushxx

Just a few days away from my golden birthday (I will be 27 on the 27th), and I all the sudden have adult acne.

Never in my life have I had skin problems. Even when all my friends were going through puberty and were uber pimply, I barely even had to wear make-up. I used to think I was lucky, but I’d much rather have zits at the normal age of 16 rather than breakouts as an adult. Shoot me.

This week has been, and still is, a super hectic week with a lot of important meetings. Of course my skin has to act up in a terrible way. I had to clear it up, quick. I went to Ulta and spent way too much on every cover up and acne product in the store.

Nothing was working quick enough. So I decided to go a more natural route. I read online epsom salt does wonders for acne, so I hit the drugstore and got a big bag for $2.50. Cheapest and most effective skincare product you’ll ever own.

All you do is mix 1 part epsom salt with 1 part water, rub it on your face, let sit till dry, rinse. I did this ONCE and it immediately made my skin look better. No joke. You know when you swim in the ocean and it dries out your zits? This stuff works the exact same way, and you don’t have to deal with parking/sand/scary waves/sea creatures. 3 days of doing this 3x a day, and my skin is on the road to recovery.

That’s not the only useful thing epsom salt can do either….

+ It relieves stress. Run a hot bath and mix in some ES. When it dissolves into the water it will be absorbed into your skin and will replenish your bod’s magnesium levels, which will in turn boost your serotonin.

+ It helps with sore muscles/cuts/and body aches. You can either make a thick paste with water and place it directly on the painful spot, or you can soak in a ES bath.

+ It is also commonly known as a laxative that also really helps rid your bod of sick toxins.

+ It is a greatttt exfoliant. Mix some crystals with a little bit of olive oil and scrub away that dead skin.

+ Give your hair some va-va-va-voom volume by mixing some ES and deep conditioner in a pan (you have to heat it up for the salt to dissolve), comb it through your hair, let sit for 30 minutes, and rinse.

+ ES is great for softening skin. Add some to warm water, soak your feet for 10 minutes, and give yourself a nice DIY pedicure.