My Scrapbook...

By Beauty18claudia @Beauty18Claudia
The statement in my about me section definitely isn't lying, "Has an unhealthy obsession with fashion magazines..." I easily spend £10-15 every month on fashion magazines. I know that's a lot but I love to see the different trends coming out, and the latest beauty products. A while back, once I'd read them from front to back, I started ripping out all beauty sections to store in my folder for inspiration but I still felt like I was wasting them and kept hoarding them for about 4 months after. I then starting seeing adverts or a fashion campaign photograph that I really liked, or outfits I wanted to try and re-create myself and started pulling them out too. About a month ago, I went to my local Urban Decay stand and saw this little notebook with some pictures stuck in about Urban Decay products and my mom suggested I make a book of my own. So I thought I would share it with you. I'm having so much fun making it. So far it's just Autumn/Winter 2012 and then depending how much room I have, I'll do one for each season. I'm trying to have a range of different things from beauty products, interviews with make-up artists, fashion pages, real lipstick samples drawn on the paper and a Autumn/Winter nail polish sample page too...

Someone decided to be a little pickle and lie across it. Naughty Bobbi. 
So that's my inspirational scrap book. I loved doing these sorts of things at school. So fun and a great way to get out as much as you can from the magazine as they definitely aren't cheap. I did a blog post a while back asking people if you think they are worth the splurge or not. You can read that post HERE if you want.
Would you make a scrapbook or have you already? Let me know!