My Return to Yoga {Kushyfoot Review}

By Healthlovechoc

If you have been reading for a while, you know about my love of yoga. My dedication to yoga is a different story. My yoga story began with a consistent Bikram practice a few years ago and settled into a semi weekly casual practice.

My favorite studio has an amazing power flow class that I used to look forward to attending each week, but it is a bit of a drive and became too much of an inconvenience to get there. Quite honestly, as my schedule got more busier and I fell deeper and deeper in love with lifting heavy things, I didn’t make yoga class my priority. One thing I do know, however, is that yoga does wonderful things for my body, particularly my low back pain, and it does nothing but help my strength in the gym. So I found myself back on the mat after what seems like forever.

Of course, I had to make a grand re-entrance, so cute socks were necessary.

Now, what I planning to say after that last sentence was: Yes, I wore socks to yoga. But in reality, between I am in a packing/moving frenzy and still haven’t found the time to get myself to a class. So what did I do? I rolled out my mat in the middle of my box filled room and yoga-ed it up. Now back to those socks…

Yoga socks! Kushyfoot sent me these open-toed, non-slip socks to try out. They are so fun to wear and prevent me from face planting during sweaty down dogs. The also sent me little foot covers which are perfect to wear with flats.

Now, I certainly don’t think me or my wallet is going to be able to make weekly classes again, but I will be, in some shape or form, practicing yoga monthly.

Disclaimer: Kushyfoot sent me their product to review free of charge. As always, all opinions expressed are my own.

Are you a yoga-er? Is that even a word?(yes)

Would you rock the toe-less socks?