My New Years Resolutions

By Hollysbeautybox @hollysbeautybox

Every new year we throw the same amount of pressure on ourselves to learn from the mistakes we made in 2016 and aspire to either fulfil something new or to better ourselves. A lot of my peers in the blogging industry have vowed not to put that pressure on themselves and while I completely 'get' it, I can't help but think a new year brings new beginnings and as such, I've decided to make a few New Years Resolutions to kick start 2017!

1 - Get Fitter
I started the #fatfiles last year and I well and truly took my foot off the throttle, I lost 2 stone and gained it back - why you ask? because I awarded my weight loss success with food and celebrated for a good 6 months. Rookie mistake. I've learned from my mistakes (steer clear of just eat and morrisons build your own pizza counter...) and really do want to get myself to a healthier and fitter place. I want to loose weight because I want to prepare my body for potential pregnancy (not necessarily now but for my future) after learning some frightening statistics about obese women and pregnancy. It's also good to feel my best physically and mentally, which leads me to number 2...

2 - Taking Time Out From My Mobile Phone
I spend a lot of my life online. Being a blogger means I share a lot of my life online and I also socialise with friends and shop like normal people do online too. I've found that even in social situations, I check my phone or send a snapchat or am looking for the perfect instagram picture opportunity. It's exhausting sometimes and it stops me from living in the moment. I'm not taking in how beautiful the Scottish scenery is, I'm thinking 'Oooohh Instagram!!'. I need to reprogramme my brain to live more for the moment and taking time out from my mobile phone will really help

3 - Read More
I read now and again. If I find a good book then I can read for hours on end but I don't look for a book very often. My mind often races with things I want or need to do and so I always find reading a book just makes me feel guilty that I'm not doing something productive. I've not always been that way, I used to binge read magazines and books or just lie around but when I started working for myself, I realised that the only one bringing in the money is me. I can't just work 9-5 and get my paycheck every month. That's the life I chose and I love it so so much, but finding some time to read and relax is definitely something I'm hoping to do in 2017.

4 - Sing Again!
I used to sing a lot as some of you will already know, but life happened and I stopped practicing which subsequently turned me into a shrieking mess. I'm really hoping to get some time to just re-learn a few things and hopefully get back to where I was vocally.

So that's my New Years Resolutions for 2017. I've not gone too overboard and I think I will be able to achieve them. What has made your list?

H x