My New Tennis Tips E-Book Is Coming . . . And I Need Your Help!

By Kselz @TennisFixation

Last year, I was looking for a book of tennis tips.

  • It had to be FUN and EASY to read.  It had to be PACKED with REAL tips, completely explained so that I’d know they’d work.
  • It had to be for REAL players like me, not former tennis pros or instructors or super-human athletes, but people who have lives and families and jobs and aren’t necessarily the most athletically inclined.
  • It had to help my tennis game get noticeably BETTER and that improvement had to happen FAST.

Well, it took me a while but I finally came to realize, that book doesn’t exist. While there are a lot of great tennis instructions books available, none of them were written by regular, old players who managed to improve their games quickly and discernibly despite being genetically normal.

So guess what – I’m writing that book! That’s right. I’m putting together an e-book that will be full of real tennis tips that really work for real players.

Because I finally realized – I’m normal. I took my complete beginner, never-held-a-racquet-or-played-sports-to-speak-of self and transformed into an above-average tennis player who plays constantly, wins pretty regularly, competes well and continues to improve.

And I’m taking all of the tips, tricks and tactics that I’ve learned and putting them into an e-book so you can take advantage of that stuff too.

But here’s the part where I need your help.

I can’t decide on a title and I hope you’ll help me pick one. I need something that will convey everything I’ve said above in just a few words. A title that other ordinary players will read and say, “Oh, I get it. She’s speaking to people just like me!”

So please help me out here by answering my survey. It’s very short, just one question, and gives my title ideas. I’d love it if you would take this survey and let me know what you think. You can vote for one of my ideas or you can suggest an even better title.

This survey will be up until January 31.

Thanks so much in advance for your help! I’ll keep you updated on the survey results and the release date for my e-book.

© Kim Selzman 2014 All Rights Reserved

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