Hand Cream - I mentioned in my weekly round up post on Sunday about the fact that my hands have become so dry from the constant washing. I am applying hand cream as may times a day as possible and they still feel dry. I am currently using the L'Occitane Delightful Rose Hand Cream that I found stashed away in the depths of my beauty draws, it is nice but I still don't think it's doing the job so my hunt continues to find a great hand cream.
Hand Sanitizer - Well this is probably an essential for a lot of you anyway but it only ever used to be a handbag staple for me. Now I have tube in every room (probably another reason my hands are dry) as sometimes you just need a quick fix if you can't get to the sink to wash your hands properly. I especially find this useful for the night time feeds when my brain isn't awake.
Soap & Glory Whipped Clean Shower Butter - This is one of those moisturising shower wash type products and it has made showering in the mornings that little bit quicker for me.
Since being pregnant my skin has got drier and I find I need to moisturise my body more often. I don't use the Soap & Glory Shower Butter everyday but those days when I am pushed for time this just saves me a step once I am out the shower as it leaves the skin soft and moisturised. Perfect time saver.
Cream Makeup Products - I just feel better if I have a little bit of make up on and I have found that things like cream eyeshadows and blushes are they way forward. There is no brushes needed and one quick swipe and you look more put together. I am currently loving the No7 Eyeshadow Sticks.
Do you have any time saver recommendations?