My Multimedia

By Fashionlushxx @fashionlushxx

As cliche as it may sound, there is nothing like getting lost in a good book. Ever since I was little I was big on reading, so it is no surprise that over the years I have developed quite the collection of literary gems. Being that I am a bit on the OCD side, I decided to color code  my books and display them as art in my bedroom. I also, somewhere along the road,  began to collect records. One Hanukkah my mom was kind enough to get me a record  player and a couple classic rock (my favorite) LP's. Anyways, I figured I would include those beauties as well. Hence why this blog is called multimedia. 
My black and white books, including my favorite- Falling Up by Shel Silverstein
My pink books, take note of Archie's Double Digest Magazine
My most treasured book- my Grandmother's vintage Vogue Sewing Book
My latest book purchase: Boo, The Life of the Worlds Cutest Dog 
My record player & the four books I am currently reading (crazy, I know)
Fleetwood Mac Rumors LP, my absolute favorite.