My Most Used BB Creams

By Arzoo Sharma @prettynhealthy

My Most Used BB Creams
Hey Everyone,

I’m back from my trip and fully back to my blog routine as I have found a place to click pics for the blog. Yayy I’m super happy to be back and connect with you all through my posts.

Ever since I got married, I have been using makeup everyday just to look more presentable and to hide my ugly pimples which have been popping out now and then due to some nasty products which I have been testing for review and will be revealing about them soon. My daily makeup consists of- well it consists of lots of products and if you want me to do a post on my daily makeup then do leave a comment, I’d be happy to do that. The main product in my makeup routine is a BB cream as I don’t like using foundation on a daily basis and that too in this scrotching summer heat where sun melts away everything I have on my face I use two BB creams when doing my makeup nowadays, one is the Garnier BB cream and the other is L’oreal BB cream. These two BB creams are my favorite, the most favorite being the L’oreal BB cream.

I use both the BB creams together when doing my makeup, now how do I use them would be the question in your mind! I use Garnier BB cream first as my base after using a primer as it’s very sheer I can not wear it alone as it does not hide anything but on the days when I’m feeling lazy and I have to do makeup then I wear it alone and cover my flaws with a heavy coverage concealer. And after leaving the Garnier BB cream on my face for 4-5 minutes, I use a small amount of L’oreal BB cream with very light hand as it gives good coverage and finish with just a small amount and if you use it in large amounts, you may end up looking horror as it has high SPF which can sometimes leave white patches if used in a wrong way.

Garnier BB Cream:

This was my second BB cream after the Maybelline BB cream and my first favorite BB cream as it’s just meant for my skin type. It gives sheer coverage and dewy finish perfect for dry non-problematic skin. It comes only in one shade so no shade options to choose from hence not every skin tone will like this BB cream. It suits my skin tone quite well and I use it as my base before using any other BB cream or a foundation. I’m on my second tube of this BB cream and will definitely go on a third tube after this gets over as it’s so inexpensive and I love the way it gives me a good base to work with the rest of my makeup.

Price: Rs. 199 for 40 g

L’oreal BB Cream: 

I just love this BB cream, I have it in the lightest shade i.e Ivory and it suits my skin tone really well. It’s my favorite BB cream so far and I love the coverage, finish and how well it brightens my face besides protecting it against sun with its SPF 35. I use it in dots and blend it with my hands as I’m yet to master makeup application with brushes, I feel brushes leaves patches on my dry skin and sticks products on certain areas so I prefer using my fingers for applying base products as they give me better coverage and finish. Full review of this BB cream coming soon.

Price: 550 for 30 mlDespite having a huge collection of BB creams, these two BB creams are my most used BB creams in my everyday makeup!
Hope you enjoyed reading this post, I had this post planned in my mind from so long and I was skeptical whether you all would like reading it or not, do leave your comments on how did you like this post and if you would love seeing such posts in coming days as well like my most used foundation, mascara and all.

PS: Trip pics coming soon