My Lovely Conference: A Rose In Bloom….

By Jenrene

It’s here.

The day I dreamed of. I don’t believe I actually dreamt it quick like this… but it’s here, and I’m pretty glad.

 I am in the elevator in the Hampton Inn  in Tulsa Okla and I turn and see this on the elevator door!

What hotel does that! Hampton Inn is pretty cool with me!

Well, I remember the day, it was 1998, and i stepped out of an imaginary circle and i saw y dream  envisioned : i was on a stage a platform, and I was  actually speaking to a room full of women. encouraging them to be fully themselves. It was a flash in the pan, but it was real to me, and  I found myself in that next moment exhilarated. Absolutely  amazed, I saw  THAT.

Ill try to share pics from the day here, alter.. but for now, let me absorb the blessing of it all.. Selah.
