My Love List

By Veronicavintage @RockSteadyUSMC

I always tend to go through periods of things that I am obsessed with on a rotation. I will be completely into something and want to be immersed in it for weeks at a time, usually. Of course, the vintage lifestyle is more than just a fleeting obsession for me, and it has become a part of who I am at my core. But there are elements of it that I may pick up for a while, and then move on. But it will always be there! Maybe I am a little weird, but I like it that way

Here’s what I am totally into at the moment:

Getting Myself Doris Mayday’s Haircut

I am completely infatuated with her ‘do. I want it. I NEED it. I will have it. I know I need to get my hair trimmed at least, and I figure this is the perfect balance of length for it still looking feminine yet short enough to have the style hold and to have it be manageable. Getting her perfect style may require a bit more of an effort, but I think it is ultimately worth it. Vintage pinup perfection, my dear!

Breaking Bad on Netflix

I know, I know – it took me long enough to watch this show. It takes a lot for me to get into a new show (new to me, mind you). The last show I got into was Freakshow; before that was Mad Men, if that gives you any idea. But I have been wanting to watch Breaking Bad for the longest time since I heard such good things about it, and I tend to go for gritty and deep shows. Well, I was right! Immediately from the first episode I was drawn in. The new season starts this weekend, and even though I am not through all of the prior seasons on Netflix, I certainly will be tuning in this Sunday!

Double Indemnity (1944)

I loved this movie to begin with when I saw it late last year, but over the past week or so I have really gained an even deeper appreciation for this film. Barbara Stanwyck was genius and gave an amazing performance. This is a totally typical film noir, and was one of the very first in the genre. This type did not start getting popular until after the war; this was released during a time when very upbeat and chipper movies were de rigeur for the time, in order to lift the moods of moviegoers during a time deep in war. Double Indemnity broke that mold and offered patrons a taste of something different, which took movie making in a whole different direction.

Alex Minsky

Marine turned underwear model. You’re welcome, ladies

L.A. Noire video game

I never EVER thought I would want a video game in my life. I’m not going to dive into why, but let’s just say I’ve had more than my full share against my will. But after being introduced to this amazing game, where you interrogate suspects and victims based in 1946 Los Angeles, I am all in. I am going to be grabbing myself an Xbox along with this game next week after I get paid, because I need this awesomeness in my life. You get to read people’s body language and how they act around you and respond to your questions, and guess whether they are lying, telling the truth, or you have doubt as to their answer but have no proof to shoot back in their face. You work at solving cases, all while seeing the amazing scene of post-war LA and the drool-worthy cars and clothing. And this game is actually rather accurate to the time period in regards to everything. I can’t wait to get my paws on it!

What items are on your love list right now?