My Love for Journals

By Poorva @beautifuljrny

Hey everyone!
I’ve got quite a different post for you all today. I am a huge stationery fan/addict/junkie whatever you might like to call it. The amount of stationery I have is much much more than I or most people ‘need’. But every time I see something cute I just can’t stop myself from buying it. From cute pens, to unique mechanical pencils, to listpads and post-its with quirky quotes on them – you name it and I have it all. But today, I want to talk about the kindof journals I have and how I use them.

I know in today’s time we all use our smartphones for anything and everything, but I am someone who loves writing on paper and feeling actual books in my hand. So I do use a regular book planner for my everyday schedule, logging in important events or things I want to remember. If you have seen online, lately any planners or journals such as bullet journals, everyone posts a lot about how they decorate their journals. I get very fascinated about that and try a lot, but I am never able to be consistent with it. So what I do is, I stick to functional stickers or post-its which also make the planner look cute and decked up.

My planner here is by Lilly Pulitzer in size medium. It’s a 17 month agenda from august 2015 – December 2016. I love it, its super functional and perfect size and oh so pretty! It has cute stickers inside it, and also pockets where I like to keep special things like pictures or letters from my favorite people.And my favorite stickers are from Amazon, the Happy planner ones.

Tweet me  if you love using physical planners too like me.

Next are these Q&A journals. Still a mystery to me why I bought 2 similar ones but I really enjoy them both. The brown one is for 5 years and is more of a mature question and answer book. The second one is more fun and for teens and young adults. That is for 3 years. (And I also love that 8789 words of wisdom red book you can see in the picture above !! )

The main concept behind them is that you just answer one question each day for a whole year and in the new year you start over and answer the same questions for the new year. At the end of the book you can see how or if you changed over the course of the years. It’s a fun concept! Another journal I absolutely love is the 5 minute journal. I had been planning to get it for a long time but wasn’t sure if I would be able commit to it and follow it daily. So I bought the app from iOS store. It even has reminders and I almost never forget to fill it in. This is a wonderful concept and I feel everyone should follow it , if not this journal you can do-it-yourself in any blank journal. Basically every morning and night you think and write a few lines which reflect gratefulness and mindfulness.

The picture above shows the lines to write in. It makes you be more focused throughout the day and then at night it lets you sleep feeling positive and grateful. Even if you had a miserable day it makes you think of atleast one good thing you had in that day and write it. And you sleep thinking about that rather than focusing on the negatives.

You guys must have heard of bullet journals. They’re all over the internet right now. I’ve been trying to be regular on my bullet journal. I have a few lists going on in that , habit trackers, and I do a lot of meal planning for the following week in that. It’s such an interesting concept and so efficient as well. I just use a blank lined journal for it, and would love to show you more of my bullet journal in another post. I love putting in small quotes on random pages, like the one above.

Another thing I love doing, is writing in these note pads. It is sort of a mini-planner/to-do list. It’s very functional and great to keep handy.  I have this one by bloom.

Another cute and new addition to my collection is this ‘642 things to write about’. It has 642 prompts where you can take cue and write. For the author inside of you I love it!

Click to view slideshow.

So, that’s most of my stuff, it came to be a really long post. I would love to hear your views on these, and if you have journals, or ideas about them, do leave me a link and would love to check yours out!