My Inspiration For Chiffon Souffle | Press

By Heather Hahn @HeatherHahnn

I hope you guys are all doing great. I am super excited to share with each and every single one of you, my most recent article in Daily Candid News, about the inspiration on how I started Chiffon Souffle!

I also had a chat with them on a few personal questions, what living in LA is like, and what I have to look forward to in the future.

I will list some of the questions below. Remember to never give up on your dream.

DailyCandidNews: What do your friends and family think of your success thus far?

Heather: My mom and my family, they all are extremely supportive and appreciative of everything. Being from a state, where there isn’t really too much to do, seeing the success i’ve had so far, makes them really happy.

DailyCandidNews: Who are some of your role models or mentors you look up to?

Heather: Role models and mentors that I really would up to would honestly have to be my family, because they are  super supportive of my entire career.

DailyCandidNews: What is your advice to other people looking at getting into blogging and the fashion industry?

Heather: The best advice that I could give to others looking to get into blogging and the fashion industry, would be to honestly keep being persistent and to always take a step further then your goal.

DailyCandidNews: What do you hope people learn after reading various entries on your site?

Heather:  The whole point of my blog, is to inspire others to either write or live out their own dream. Life is too short to be wasted on doing something that doesn’t make you happy.