My Ideal Life......

By Rubytuesday
I have my last Mindfulness course this week
I am sad that it is coming to an end as I really enjoyed it
And it meant spending time with a very good friend
She has been a massive support to me recently
So this week we had homework
Part of the homework was to write out our ideal life
I really had to think about this as I don't let myself think about the future too much
But I had a go
And here is the result.......
My ideal lie is pretty simple and straight forward
I don't want much
I don't want money or material gains
The things I want are the things that most people take for granted

In my ideal life I am clean and sober
And I want to be clean and sober
I am happy to live in reality
I am happy to accept life on life's terms
In my ideal life I am in recovery
I don't deny myself food
And I don't binge and purge
I have a healthy relationship with food
I don't use it as a means of escape or to punish myself with

In my ideal life I am comfortable in my own skin
I accept my body the way it is
I'm not always trying to change it
I don't measure my worth in pounds and ounces
In fact I don't weigh myself at all
I accept my body for the amazing instrument that it is
I don't abuse it
Try to change it
Or punish it

In my ideal life I am not on any medication any more
I am able to handle life's challenges without popping a pill
I am off methadone
And feel no urge to go back using drugs
In my ideal life, although I may still experience anxiety, it doesn't stop me doing what I want to do
It doesn't paralyze me and stop me from living my life

I may also experience fear 
But again it doesn't cripple me
I feel the fear and live my life anyway
In my ideal life I like, love and accept myself for who I am
I am me and that is perfectly ok
I accept that I am not perfect and never will be
And I don't beat myself up for that
I'm kind to myself
I take care of myself
Physically, mentally and spiritually
I'm not so hard on myself
I accept success humbly
And defeat graciously
I know myself well
I know my boundaries
And am not afraid to let others know

In my ideal life I am well enough to be independent 
I have my own little house
A place to call my own
And I am able to manage that
There are lots of animals in my house
Maybe I am a foster carer for abused and homeless animals

I am financially independent
I can take care of myself and all my needs without depending on others
In my ideal life I will have a family
A wonderful partner and maybe some children
Our home will be a happy and safe place
There will be lots of fun and laughter
And everyone is accepted and loved just the way they are

In my ideal life I stop running from myself
I don't feel the need to escape my own head
Because now it is a positive place
A place that I am not afraid of any more
My outlook is positive
I see the good before the bad
The light before the dark
There may be challenges in my life but I feel better equipped to deal with them
I don't feel overwhelmed or afraid
I take life as it comes
And live a full and rich life
I laugh every day and don't take myself too seriously
I'm not obsessed with my own misery
I'm happy and I'm not afraid to be happy
I am me and that is ok