My God!! Have You Seen This Advert!! - Goosebumps!!!!

By Shubha Juyal @shubhajuyal
Does awesome advertising of some product, no matter you like it or not, not matter it suits you or not...makes you buy it?? does to me some times! I was checking out a few perfume commercials, and I found this...
Chanel's Coco Noir. No models, No Parisian backdrop or a clip of Eiffel Tower and no actress...just that famous and now legendary bottle...***chills***.
Now I want it. :P
I know it is freaking expensive ( 50ml costs around INR 7000/-) ..but I know ...if I don't shop  shop less for a month or two...I can...YES I CAN!!!

Just elegant and sexy the bottle is!!! Learn something Marc Jacobs!!!..I know you make pretty bottles...but they all have the same perfume in it!!!! (I have 2 Daisies and Dot :( ..they broke my heart.)

Check out this commercial ...and be mesmerised!!