My Fitness Routine

By Dorkchops @dorkchopsworld

If you read my health and fitness journey, you’d know that I run and go to the gym a few times a week! I rotate between two different gym routines three times throughout the week (I will be referring to as A and B). When I first started getting into fitness, I was working out every single day but I’ve learnt that it’s important to let your body rest and repair itself after doing strenuous work. From personal experience, I tend to get fatigued and I don’t perform as well as I do when I take days off throughout the week!

3×5 Barbell front squats
3×5 Bulgarian dumbbell split squats
3×5 Barbell deadlifts
3×5 Assisted pull-ups
Abs circuit

1×5 Barbell deadlifts
3×5 Barbell bench bench
3×5 Push press or incline shoulder press
3×5 Assisted dips
Abs circuit

➳ For those of you who are unfamiliar, the format AxB means A are sets and B are repetitions (reps)!

I was doing regular barbell squats but decided to switch to front squats to build up by quadriceps but I would definitely recommend doing regular ones to start off with! Front squats are really tiring and use up a lot of energy. I also deadlift on both days because I’m weak at doing barbell rows so with workout A, I focus more on getting my form right rather than building up numbers!

I am currently in the works of switching up my abs circuit but before I was doing variations of weighted crunches, dumbbell side bends and leg raises then I would always finish off with a wall plank. I am a huge fan of planks! =)

Weekly breakdown:

Monday: Running (7km around the city at a 5:30km/min pace)
Tuesday: Workout A
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Workout B
Friday: Rest
Saturday/Sunday: Rest or Workout A

I usually take two rest days on Friday and Saturday, and do my gym workout on Sunday but sometimes if I or my gym buddy (aka my older brother) has plans then we will go on Saturday instead!

My current personal records:

I hope you all enjoyed this post and got a better idea of what my fitness regime is like! =) Let me know what you like to do throughout the week! I always find it interesting to see what other people do hehe.