My First London Blog Event #SLBloggerbash

By Beautybykaris @beautybykaris

(Photo credit the on site photographer)

Hey There,

Last Friday, myself, and three Southampton Bloggers, (Alice, Tanya and Chan) made our way up to the big city for our first ever London blog event. To say I was excited was a complete understatement.

We managed to get a Spring saver deal so only paid £15 for a return, (Unlike the hefty £70 I paid the week before). Heading up early, (No fashionably late nonsense) we went for a little Nandos lunch date before finding our way to 1 Alfred Place, with the help of Google Maps. At first it was a bit of a game of ‘guess who’s a blogger’ as we stood outside, wondering where it was. But eventually we went in and asked the security man, and up to level 2 it was.

The event was organised by the lovely Scarlett from Scarlett London and Search Laboratory, who have now planned a few fabulous events together, (You can imagine how fast I RSVP’d when the email dropped in my inbox). We were some of the first bloggers to arrive, (Key the nerves kicking in) and after a quick stop at the bar, made our way pretty fast around the incredible stalls, and brands on show, (I mean Urban Outfitters, Wine and Cake…Need I go on).

What was different about this event, is that every stall had a giveaway going on, all involving a bit of social media snapping of course. It meant a lot of interaction went on between bloggers and brands, and of course bloggers and bloggers. And I actually won something, well two things, a Yankee candle from Modern Rugs, and a goody bag from Urban Outfitters, (Insert happy face).

Now get ready for the photo heavy part…

This was my first event outside Southampton, I have been to so many with the Sotonblogger girls, that I have just felt myself almost get too comfortable at these type of things. And it wasn’t until the meet up, that I realised how unprepared I actually was. I’m not saying I didn’t have a great time, as I did, but there could of been a few things I had done personally to make it even better. So here’s  ‘How Not To Do A Blog Event’, shall I say.

Don’t have a ‘I have no clothes to wear’ while staring at a full closet, type of tantrum, in the morning of the event. Yup, I did this. I changed about three times, and then opted for a comfy look, with the excuse ‘I’m a beauty blogger, not a fashion one’. But did I feel the part?…no! Definitely should of thought about what I was going to wear at least.

Don’t be unsociable. Partly as a result of my crap pre social media engagement, as well as the fact I was rather comfortable in my own little group, I barely stepped out of my comfort zone and spoke to any other bloggers. Sure I said hello, and caught a quick convo here and there, but did I go up to any groups or bloggers and introduce myself, or ask questions about them?…no! I only met and swapped deets with two bloggers properly. Which is kind of poor on my behalf. I get kind of shy, and there were moments where I was about to be social, then I would hold back. What I should of remembered, is everyone’s in the same boat, I’m not going to get judged or laughed at for trying to make a conversation.

Don’t drain your phone battery on the train journey up. Luckily I brought my charger, but still instagramming, and tweeting away prior to the event, was a bad choice.

I’m now looking forward to the next one, (That’s hoping I get another invite), and I’ll be making sure I don’t do the above, (Again). Sorry to anyone I didn’t get around to chatting to, even the ones I recognised and follow, (Shaking my head). Next time I’ll be in full stalker mode.

How do you get ready for events?

Lots of love,
