My Experience With Protein Powder

By Elisabeth @onecutedoc

Attention Beauty Lovers! As many of you know, I am on a healthy lifestyle journey. I am constantly hearing about protein powder, shakes, and whey protein. I have looked into the science behind protein powder but had no clue where to start. I was so excited when I was asked to try BiPro. It sounded amazing and they have so many flavors (including a recently released strawberry flavor). They also have protein waters which I was extremely excited to try.

Keep reading to hear my thoughts on protein powder! I will explain a little more about BiPro and all the ways I tried adding protein powder to my diet. Do you use protein supplements/powders? What are your favorite brands/recipes? Let me know in the comments below.

About BiPro:

Excerpt from BiPro:

BiPro Whey Protein Isolate is an excellent protein choice for individuals of all ages who value the role of a healthy diet in improving overall health, building and repairing muscles, and maintaining a healthy weight.

Health conscious individuals have long considered pure whey protein isolate to be the undisputed leader in terms of achieving fitness results. BiPro Whey Protein Isolate is a recognized and sought after ingredient in the Sports Industry, Health and Wellness Industry, Fitness Industry and Bariatric Community, due to its high level of purity and is now available in a consumer package.

BiPro is used by the world’s top male and female athletes, from professional football players to swimmers and long-distance runners. BiPro is also NSF Certified for Sport®, tested by a third party to ensure that it contains no banned substances.

  • 100% Natural
  • 0g Sugar
  • 0g Fat
  • <1g Carbohydrates
  • Gluten Free
  • NSF Certified for Sport

Continue reading about BiPro here. Also, make sure to check out all BiPro’s awesome recipes/cookbooks.

BiPro Protein Powder Experience:

I have never liked a protein powder until now. The ones I have tried tasted terrible and so fake. However, that is definitely not the case with BiPro. It is so yummy! I also feel great when I am using it.

I love that there are SO many recipes you can make using this protein powder. I have made a few and I am obsessed! The strawberry lemonade is so amazing and it makes two drinks with just one packet. It was so easy to make and didn’t take long at all. I couldn’t get enough of it. I love strawberry lemonade and this allows me to still have my favorite drink (without all the calories). I just love the convenience of this protein powder. I am a HUGE fan.

BiPro Protein Water Experience:

Excerpt from BioPro:

For the first time, BiPro USA’s clean protein is ready to drink. The protein brand today introduced BiPro Protein Water, which comes in two flavors: Peach Power and Lemon Lift. The new product carries one scoop of BiPro (20 grams of protein) per bottle and stays true to the brand’s clean label. BiPro Protein Water contains zero grams of fat, sugar and carbohydrates in just 90 calories. The drink is also lactose-free and gluten-free.

I was pleasantly surprised with this protein water! It is so awesome. I love that it is low in calories (90 calories) per bottle. I love drinking it during a workout. It really kept me going and kept me hydrated.

The taste is amazing. I love both the peach and lemon flavors. I think peach is my favorite. I keep it cool in the fridge and freeze blast it 10 minutes before working out. It stays so cold and I just love how refreshing it is. It really doesn’t taste like I am drinking a protein supplement at all. I am a huge fan of these protein waters and will definitely have to purchase more.


For more information on where to purchase/cost, head on over to BiPro. You can purchase online!

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Disclaimer: I was sent this product for review. These are my honest thoughts & opinions. I did not receive any compensation, just the product to try. 

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