My Everyday Makeup Look

By Behindtheseclosedeyes @theseclosedeyes
For a beauty obsessed blogger I really don't have my face on my blog very often, so I'd quite like to change that. In the end, what better way is there to show makeup than actually on your face?! Today I'm here to give you a little peek at what products I've been reaching for on an everyday basis. My everyday makeup look is definitely more on the natural side for two reasons; the first being that I don't like going over the top with my makeup unless I'm going somewhere a bit more special, and the second reason being that I don't really have the time to be putting lots of makeup on in the mornings. Recently I've really been embracing brighter lips and this means that I've toned down the blusher to keep the look a bit more balanced, which I'm sure you'll see in the photo below. I've also been ditching liquid eyeliner and going for a smudged eyeshadow look instead in a bid to make my eyes appear a bit bigger and more awake. So without further ado, here's my (baby looking) face.

Face: Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum (#51 Light Vanilla), Dainty Doll Pot Concealer (#002), Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder (#003 Peach Glow), MUA Mosaic Blusher in English Rose Eyes: Benefit Creaseless Cream in Birthday Suit, MUA Undressed Palette, Rimmel Scandaleyes Kohl Kajal (#005 Nude), Revlon Lash Potion Mascara (#001 Blackest Black) Lips: Maybelline Baby Lips in Intense Care, Revlon Lip Butter in Sorbet