My Dream Bathroom

By Livedwithlove @kerrymarie
*In collaboration with Utopiagroup
We have an ensuite bathroom in our room and I actually quite like it. I have never really wanted to change it but I guess that is because we are renting so we can't really rip it out and start from scratch! However, if we did, I think our bathroom would look something like this..

I love the contrast of black/grey and white in a bathroom. I'm not really sure why I just think it looks good and I'm not too keen on everything being white or any kind of wood effect in a bathroom. This look above is using the Geo-stone furniture from Utopia Group and I think it's gorgeous! We would definitely love to have two sinks and two mirrors as we are always getting in the way of each other, not to mention we need a lot more room for all our lotions and potions! I also think those towel holders each side underneath the worktop are a genius idea! We actually don't have a space for a hand towel near our sink so we have to traipse wet hands across the floor to get to a towel! 
I'd also definitely want a bigger window, bathrooms never have big enough windows to let a good amount of natural light in! How are we supposed to do our make-up?! Although unless we had a bathroom on the ground floor, we couldn't have them as big as above! We'd probably skip on the bath though to be honest, both of us prefer showers over bath's. I've never been a bath person.. as much as I love the idea of soaking in a bubble bath with a glass of wine, it just never feels that great. And of course, there's the fact I don't like alcohol either but that's another post…! 
What would your dream bathroom look like?

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