My Christmas Wishlist

By Hollysbeautybox @hollysbeautybox
I very rarely do any sort of wishlist because I am genuinely grateful for anything I am given and If there's something I 'want', I'll either save up to buy it myself or I'll pine over it for months on end haha

With all of that said, I thought I'd do a Christmas wishlist of things I would love to find a great deal for (or ya know, free..) in the January sales.
Ikea Alex Drawers
At the moment, I have a bookcase filled with acrylic storage drawers which isn't ideal. It all looks cluttered and messy which bugs my happiness a lot. I'd love to be one of those insta girls who has two of the big Ikea Alex Drawers filled with seperators for their makeup collection and some cute instax snaps on top of them. I need two, obvs, because one can be for clothes and even some shoes or bags.
Hollywood Mirror
Don't tell me you've never seen these? they're giant mirrors with lights all the way round them making them amazing for applying makeup. You can get either the tabletop version or the wall version and I can't deny, I want both. #sorrynotsorry
Fenty Beauty Foundation
I haven't had the chance to go to Harvey Nic's and get color matched as I live roughly 2 hours away from my nearest store but I think I will be shade 100 or 110. At this time of year, I can't justify buying myself an expensive foundation, so this is making it's way onto my wishlist - alongside the primer... and a highlight... aahhh!!
A Vlogging Camera!
I've been doing a lot more vlogging recently, but it's hard to make it look professional when you're filming on your iphone 6 which means half the time, the footage doesn't even get uploaded. My aim for January is to find a decent vlogging camera that will give a better quality finish than my Iphone.
Kikki K
Aye, you read that right, I want Kikki K, ALL of Kikki K! haha! everything is just so pretty and after seeing they do monogramming I was sold. The makeup bags and journals are firmly making their way onto my wishlist.
A Holiday
Not asking for much surely? just a wee holiday, somewhere sunny which has nothing overly interesting to see or do, preferrably on a pool with loads of beach bars. I'm not a 'lazy holiday' kinda lass normally, I go to major cities like NYC, Toronto, Florida, Prague etc where there is loads to see and do, but sometimes I feel like I need a wee holiday to recover from the holiday haha I don't want to go sightseeing or learn anymore history/culture right now, I just want to escape my everyday life for a week and do absolutely nothing. Hands up if you reckon I'd be bored after 48 hours!?
Driving Lessons
Yup, I'm 31 and I'm only just seriously looking into learning to drive. There's a multitude of reasons and excuses as to why I haven't done it before but looking forward, I'd love to learn to drive in 2018 and hopefully get myself a wee car. First thing's first, where's the indicators?
I'm putting it out there, I want a white christmas. So please, powers at be, can you give us some snow over Christmas? not enough to cause mayhem or powercuts, just enough to build a snowman and have a snowball fight. Yes, again, I am 31...
And that's it!
What is making it's way onto your Christmas wishlist?
H x