My Boyfriend Has A Black Tongue!

By Hanna

Nepal, like most of South Asia is a superstitious country. Nepalis are brought up surrounded by superstitions from don’t eat meat on this day to don’t cut your nails at night. Some choose to believe it, others do not. M is one who does not really believe it – well he says he does not believe it. None of it. No horoscopes, palm reading or superstitions. Still, that doesn’t stop him from believing some of it secretly.

One particular superstition is known that if a person has black spots on their tongue then whatever they say becomes true. Sounds kinda hard to believe right? Besides, what does spots on the tongue have to do with anything?

When I first spoke to M all those months ago I was not really interested in dating anyone. But as he kept trying his darn hardest he would make these odd predictions that would come somewhat true. The more I started listening to what he would have to say the more I started falling for him. Everything he would predict that would happen did. It was mysterious and intriguing whilst being a little creepy.

Nevertheless, it captivated me and I have never doubted him since. Some people have been concerned how much I trust M. But I know from experience he is a very rational thinker and he always puts me first in his decisions. He even picked my university for me and a number of other decisions and I have never looked back since.

I remember him telling me at the beginning of the relationship he would take me to his country. That he would treat me “like a princess” and be honored to give me a “tour of the little heaven on Earth” that is Nepal. Well, everything else he has ever said as long as I have known him as been as he predicted. It seems so strange to think that at the beginning when I did not even want to date this guy and he was telling me I would be going to Nepal with him… Now just over a year later he is the love of my life and he will be taking me to Nepal!

Although I walk on pavement cracks and underneath ladders I have to say I cannot help but be a little superstitious about some things. Although, M will not admit it I think he is secretly a little superstitious as well! After all, he is the one with the black spots on his tongue.

What are your views on superstitions? Do you believe in any?